Caring for our world 3-part Blog series

Caring for our world 3-part Blog series

With Climate change and all things environmental recently in the headlines – the team at Central Coast Web Design decided to write about some little things we (and other businesses) can do to help make positive changes for future generations.

Part 1 – what should you do with your old electronic waste?

It should be quite clear by now that we, like the millions of other people out there – love technology! The benefits are expansive, and it is always quickly evolving. Indeed, technology grows and develops in the blink of an eye. Everyone wants the latest gadget or electronic device to help make their lives easier. However, the problem no one likes to address is – what do we do with our old e-waste?


Did you know that 88% of the 4 million computers and 3 million TV's purchased in Australia every year will end up in landfill? Fewer than 1% of TVs and around 10% of PCs and laptops are recycled throughout Australia. What a sad thought indeed. ☹


E- waste is responsible for 70% of the toxic chemicals such as lead, cadmium and mercury found in landfill. Electronic products that have been thrown into landfill leak toxic materials into the soil and water, resulting in the contamination of the food chain. What's sadder is that electronic rubbish is growing at three times the rate of any other waste stream.


Additionally, rare and non – renewable materials are wasted instead of being reused. New government-backed recycling efforts have been put in place across most of Australia to meet the national e-recycling target of 80% by the end of 2021.


But here is the thing…. 90 % of the materials used to create e-waste can be recovered and reused.




You can do your bit for our environment by taking your unwanted e-waste items to designated recycling centres.





The very first thing you should do is ensure you delete your personal data off any hard drives.

You can recycle desktops, laptops, monitors, modems, televisions, keyboards, cables, drives and related accessories, printers, scanners and any other e-waste year-round at the following locations:


Buttonderry Waste Management Facility 

Address: 850 Hue Hue Rd, Jilliby
Phone: 4350 1320


Woy Woy Waste Management Facility

Address: Nagari Rd, Woy Woy
Phone: 4342 5255


Kincumber Waste Transfer Facility

Address: Cullens Rd, Kincumber
Phone: 4368 1229


For more information visit or phone: 43258222 for more information.


We can all do MORE to reduce our carbon footprint. We NEED to act now! None of us are perfect but by thinking about how to safely reduce and recycle our electronic waste – we are making positive steps for the future.

This is part 1 of our Environmental series on businesses taking action. Keep posted for more information on recycling of Printer cartridges, and Mobile Devices. Businesses need to be more knowledgeable, assertive and actionable in reducing our carbon footprint.