How Video Content can give your online Business a Boost

We are surrounded by visual content daily and video and film are no exception. There are many benefits to adding video content to your ecommerce site. These include:


Branding or testimonial videos. These videos can convey a strong message to your clientele regarding the quality and assurance of your service or product. It helps shoppers feel more comfortable buying from you.


How to & advice videos. These types of videos do well in search results as many people type in questions on “how to” regarding a product. People may find your video in the search results, click and view it and learn more about your product and service…enticing them further to purchase.


Product Review videos. This is a great way to convey your credibility to potential customers and show your expertise. By showing beneficial feature or not so enhanced features can help build trust with your viewer. Many people comment that by watching a video it helps convince the customer to purchase the item or service.


Spokesperson videos. You don't need an expensive celebrity to talk about your product or service, however having someone who is confident and easy going talk about and discuss your service or product's features can give a strong cohesive voice to your business, establishing a positive rapport and trust with the audience. If a spokesperson isn't your thing, what about past clients giving testimonials? Conveying your great customer service, delivery etc helps reassure shoppers that your ecommerce store is legit and value for money.


Learning about your product videos.
Some manufacturers make product videos to their resellers to use on their website. Take the opportunity to use these on your own site – they will likely help sell your product. However be mindful that they may not convey your added value or charm that your own videos can. It's important that these videos for your product are professional, structured and precise. They need to enhance the product and the quality of it – however poor videography can take these features away in an instant – so ensure QUALITY always in the making of your videos.



Overall, videos can help shoppers in the decision making and can lead to increased sales. They can add exposure and convey your expertise, level of service and/or quality of your product. The important thing to remember is that it is the quality of your videos that is paramount to your success. Poor quality filming, horrible backdrop, poor sound etc can damage what you are trying to achieve. However, not all videos need to be like the sales on TVSN either. Creative and informative video that incorporates an array of visual and subliminal techniques can enhance sales greatly. When created in a professional manner they are an asset to your site, helping with improved search results and increased sales. There are many companies that specialise in ecommerce videos – just make sure you chat to your web provider to ensure there are no issues with embedding these videos in your website – and make sure you promote them on social media as well to make the most of this powerful visual medium.